About Kids of the LIGHT

How It All Began


     Kids of the LIGHT was founded in 2021 by artist and very-blessed mom Natalie Grace Lein. While on an art retreat in Pigeon Forge, TN, she felt God calling her to reevaluate the types of art she’d been producing – mostly pop art – and create something with a grander purpose. She discovered her love for drawing bright, bold illustrations of girls and cuddly animals would be perfect for a young female audience. But the idea of using these art skills to bring girls and boys closer to Jesus by helping them memorize Scripture was the spark that lit the fire. Since then, Natalie has worked tirelessly to bring products to your family that will have an eternal impact, and she’s thrilled to be able to present these products to you. Find the perfect gift for your sweet kiddo today!


Hand-Made With Love


     Currently, each box of memory verse cards is hand-made by Natalie in her bedroom office. She is dedicated to producing the best product she possibly can and wants to get all the smallest details right. Please be patient as each order is made on-demand and may take extra time to make it just right. Also, please contact us if you need anything at all!


Oak Ridge, TN 37830

